Notes and Assignments
History of Javascript
Components of a Web Page
How to run Javascript
Numbers in Javascript
Local and Global Variables
Basics of Arrays
Basics of Objects
Strings and Regular Expressions
Function basics
Basics of Version Control
Git basics
Review of Git commands
GitHub basics
Remotes and Branches
GitHub Workflow
Overall Project Workflow
Functions as values
Functions as closures
Functions as a means for creating a scope/context
Array Collection methods
Function Usage Patterns
Methods in objects and the need for
Function call forms and the value of
Object creation and prototypes
Different stack implementations
“Class” construction examples
Object properties
Survey of HTML
Survey of CSS
Introduction to the DOM (Document Object Model)
Introduction to jQuery
Introduction to DOM Events
Intro to Patterns: Iterator
Design Patterns
Patterns of code reuse
Pattern: Observer
Pattern: Command
Pattern: Proxy
Pattern: Visitor
Module Patterns: Node/CommonJS modules
Using require.js
UMD modules
Pattern: Composite
Patterns: Adapter and Facade
MVC: Model-View-Controller
Using Templates: Handlebars
Example of Designing a Model
Basics of HTTP
Introduction to XMLHttpRequest
What we left out
Assignments and Labs
Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Assignment 3
Lab 1: Getting used to the basics
Assignment 4
Assignment 5
Lab 2: Writing Tests
Assignment 6
Lab 3: Linting, Tasks
Assignment 7
Lab 4: Controllers, jQuery
Lab 5: Collections
Lab 6: Double-Linked Lists, History
Project progress