Git Command Review



git clone
git clone theRepository (also see here) this will clone the repository starting in a current directory, in a subdirectory named after the project. You can add one more parameter to specify a different name.
git status
Shows the current status of files/directories.
git add
Adds a new or modified file to the staging area. Can be used to add multiple files too.
git commit
Creates a commit from the staged changes. Use the -m flag to leave a message right there. You can use the --amend flag to amend to the previous commit instead.
git diff
Shows the difference between two versions of a file. Do git diff --staged to see the modifications that are staged.
A file that you can have in your project’s root, indicating files and folders that should not be tracked by git.
git log
Shows you a listing of past commits. Many useful options.
git reset
“Resets” your staging area, typically by unstaging a file.