The Visitor Pattern


We examine here a very important pattern, the Visitor Pattern.

The Visitor Pattern is used to represent an operation to be performed on the elements of an object structure. The pattern lets you define new operations without changing the classes and elements on which you operate.

This is an example of the “open-closed” principle: Classes should be open for extension but closed for modification. The Visitor Pattern allows us to extend the behavior of our class structure by later adding new functionality, but without having to invade all the classes involved.


Imagine writing a program for symbolic algebra manipulations. Then there are some considerations we have to take into account:

We can visualize this situation as a rectangular arrangement, with forms as rows and operations as columns:

Visitor Pattern Problem Space

Visitor Pattern Problem Space

One important thing to note is that it is desirable that all the code related to the same operation stay together. The code for evaluation of a binop has little to do with the code for printing that binop, but it has more to do with the code for evaluating a func case, or a variable case. In other words, the coherence is stronger between code for the same operation but different forms, than between code for the same form but different operations.

If we imagine a particular expression, we can envision it as a sort of tree. For instance it might start with a binop at the root, and the operand1 might be binop itself, operand2 might be a number, and so on. The picture shows such an example, as well as the path that our evaluate’s code might have to take through this tree structure.

Expression Tree

Expression Tree

Functional/Non-object oriented approach

We start by discussing how a non-object oriented approach to this problem would go. We will use Javascript objects thought of as dictionaries. You can consider them a little bit like C structs. With that in mind, we could do something like the following:

function makeNumber(n) {
    return {
        type: 'number',
        value: n
function makeBinOp(op, left, right) {
    return {
        type: 'binop',
        operator: op,
        operand1: left,
        operand2: right
// ... other similar "constructors", one for each form
function evaluate(expr) {
    switch (expr.type) {
    case 'number': // ... handle number case
    case 'binop':
        // ... handle binop case
        // ... Will involve evaluate(expr.operand1) etc
    default: throw new Error('Unknown expression type: ' + expr.type);
// ... functions for other operations

One advantage of this approach is that it can keep all the code related to the evaluation in one place. There are however some disadvantages:

In programming languages that follow a stronger functional programming paradigm, most of these problems are alleviated. In a language like Javascript that lacks static typing, algebraic types and pattern matching, they are important problems and really none of the methods will be able to fully alleviate them.

Object-Oriented Approaches

Here’s how an object-oriented approach to designing the problem space might go. The first goal would be to provide a somewhat common interface to all the different forms. To that tned, we have an overall class called Symbolic that represents in an abstract sense a symbolic expression. Then we have numerous subclasses of it, one for each kind of symbolic expression. So the class diagram might look like this:

Symbolic Expression class structure

Symbolic Expression class structure

Now what we are interested in is adding lots of operations we can perform for such symbolic expressions, as we saw earlier. The question is how we would go about implementing these operations.

Solution 0: Edit the subclasses

A straightforward approach is to add a method in each of the subclasses. The graph would then look like this:

Implement operations in the classes

Implement operations in the classes

This approach certainly has some advantages, most notable amongst them is very strong encapsulation: Each subclass needs to worry about what is going on within itself, and noone else needs to know anything about it.

This approach has a number of important drawbacks:

Solution 1: Inheritance

So how can we add functionality to the subclasses without modifying them? One approach would be to subclass them. So for instance in order to introduce an evalAt method we would create a subclass Symbolic.EvaluatableNumber, of Symbolic.Number, and the same for all the other subclasses. We would end up with 4 new subclasses. And if we want to add a simplify method, we would need another 4 (or 8 if we also wanted instances with simplify but no evalAt). And so on. Obviously not a very elegant solution. We will quickly step away from it and keep our distance.

Solution 2: Conditional dispatch

Another somewhat straightforward approach is to do dispatch to the appropriate code, based on each subclass. So at any point we ask the expression what class it is, and we direct it accordingly. This is similar to the functional approach we mentione earlier, and it suffers from similar problems. It might look like this:

// Call like: evalAt({ x: 5, y: 2 })(expr);
var evalAt = function(values) {
    // Function that traverses a given expression for a given set of values
    var evaluate;

    evaluate = function(expr) {
        if (expr instanceof Symbolic.Number) {
            return expr.number;
        } else if (expr instanceof Symbolic.Variable) {
            return values[expr.variable];
        } else if (expr instanceof Symbolic.BinOp) {
            return doOperation(expr.operator,
        } else if (expr instanceof Symbolic.Function) {
            return applyFunction(expr.funName, evaluate(expr.argument));
        } else {
            throw new Error('Expression is not one of the known subclasses');

    return evaluate;

Let us discuss the drawbacks of this approach:

Solution 2b: Conditional Dispatch to other methods

This solution follows the previous one, except that it places each case’s code in a separate method. So it could look like so:

function Evaluator(values) {
    this.values = values

Evaluator.prototype = {
    evaluate: function(expr) {
        if (expr instanceof Symbolic.Number) {
            return this.evaluateNumber(expr);
        } else if (expr instanceof Symbolic.Variable) {
            return this.evaluateVariable(expr);
        } else if (expr instanceof Symbolic.BinOp) {
            return this.evaluateBinOp(expr);
        } else if (expr instanceof Symbolic.Function) {
            return this.evaluateFunction(expr);
        } else {
            throw new Error('Expression is not one of the known subclasses');
    evaluateNumber: function(expr) {
        return expr.number;
    evaluateVariable: function(expr) {
        return this.values[expr.variable];
    evaluateBinOp: function(expr) {
        var v1 = this.evaluate(expr.operand1);
        var v2 = this.evaluate(expr.operand2);

        // Could have the doOperation logic here
        return doOperation(expr.operator, v1, v2);
    evaluateFunction: function(expr) {
        // Could have the applyFunction logic here
        return applyFunction(expr.funName, this.evaluate(expr.argument));

This gets us a bit closer to the visitor pattern. Each case is now in a separate function, so it is a tad easier to see if we have missed any (and in a statically typed language like Java, the compiler would not let us miss a case as we have to fill in all the instance methods). Still, no guarantee that all the instance methods are accessed from the evaluate method.

The visitor pattern is a variation of this code that avoids the deep case statement, and lets the system do that dispatch instead.

Solution 3: Visitor Pattern

The visitor pattern works as follows:

Here is a picture:

The visitor pattern illustrated

The visitor pattern illustrated

And here is a more detailed view of the dispatch logic.

The visitor pattern dispatch details

The visitor pattern dispatch details

The big advantage of this method is that it requires a single function to be added to each subclass, namely accept. Then all sorts of visitors can be written, but they all use that accept method and nothing else from the classes.

It does have an important drawback however: Adding a new subclass to the Symbolic expression set becomes nontrivial. Instead of simply adding one new subclass and implementing all its needed methods, we now have to go into every single visitor class and add a visitTheNewExpressionType method.

The visitor pattern allows us to set up an interface where we can easily add operations to a fixed set of objects/classes without having to change the class implementations.

On the other hand, changing the set of objects/classes by adding new types of objects is harder to do with the visitor pattern, as it requires reworking the implementation of all the visitors.

In other words, the visitor pattern is good when you have a fixed set of classes of objects that need to support a varying set of operations on them.

It makes adding new operations easy.

Javascript implementation

You can find two examples of the visitor pattern: