Lab 5 (pdf)
In this lab we will continue our Lab 3 work and create a task collection class.
You should continue to create atomic issues and make atomic commits referencing the issues. I will expect to see a number of issues and corresponding commits to match them.
Basic steps
- You should have already decided which of the two partner’s GitHub account to use.
- If you have not switched roles with your partner for a while, this is a good time to do so.
- You need to first bring your version of the lab up-to-date by fetching from the remote that is linked to MY project. This is a bit tedious. Only ONE of the two persons needs to do this.
- Use “
git remote -v
” to see the remote branches. There should be one named mainSource
and pointing to skiadas/WebAppsLabs
- We will start by fetching the newest version of that, with: “
git fetch mainSource
”. It should tell you about a new branch, Lab5.
- Create a new branch with “
git checkout -b Lab5 --track mainSource/Lab5
- Push this repository to your fork, by “
git push origin Lab5
- Set your local branch to in the future update your repository by: “
git branch --set-upstream Lab5 origin/Lab5
- To make sure this is set up properly, do “
git branch -vv
”. You should see [origin/Lab5]
next to the Lab5 branch line.
- Check out the correct branch, via
git checkout Lab5
- One person did steps 3 and 4, here is what the other person needs to do after that, on their repository:
- Use “
git fetch origin
” to grab the changes your partner just made.
- Create a new branch to follow the new lab by “
git branch Lab5 origin/Lab5
- Switch to the new branch via “
git checkout Lab5
- In the GitHub issues page for your project, switch to the Milestones tab and create a Lab5 milestone. Use that instead of a label for all issues you create related to Lab5.
- In the Settings page you can set the “Default branch” for the application. Set this to the Lab5 branch. This should make it so that your pushed commits close any issues that they mention via “Close #n”.
- Open the
file there, it will contain the instructions on what you need to do.
- When you are ready to submit simply email me a link to your project and the SHA of the commit that contains your final submission.
- You should use the issues page to track your progress. Use the Lab5 milestone to track the relevant issues. I will review those issues to look at your work.
- Needless to say it, but you are NOT allowed to look at other people’s forks of the project and their issues/solutions.
- I expect you to do the coding using pair programming.