Section 7.4
Practice problems (page 294): 7.5, 7.17, 7.27
Challenge problems: 7.28, 7.29, 7.36, 7.37
NP-complete problems is a class of problems that can be considered to be the “hardest” NP problems. The discovery of NP-complete problems was a major development for the field.
But first, an appropriate definition of reducibility is in order:
We say that the language \(A\) is polynomial time mapping reducible to a language \(B\), and written \[A\leq_P B\], if a polynomial time computable function \[f\colon \Sigma^*\to\Sigma^*\] exists that is a mapping reduction, namely: \[w\in A \textrm{ if and only if }f(w)\in B\] We say that the function is polynomial time computable, if there is a polynomial time Turing Machine that on input \(w\) halts leaving \(f(w)\) on the tape.
This is nothing more than the notion of mapping reducibility adjusted to take into account polynomial running time concerns. The following theorem should be easy to argue:
If \(A\leq_P B\) and \(B\in P\), then \(A\in P\).
Let us show this, by writing the Turing Machine for \(P\):
A language particulary important to the discussion of NP-completeness is known as SAT:
SAT is the language of all string representations of satisfiable Boolean formulas.
A boolean formula is built out of boolean variables \(x\), \(y\) etc that take values \(1\) for true and \(0\) for false, and have the standard boolean operations AND (\(x\land y\)), OR (\(x\lor y\)) and complement \(\bar x\).
A boolean formula is satisfiable, if there are assignments to the variables that make the formula evaluate to \(1\).
In essence, the SAT problem asks whether there is an algorithm/Turing Machine that given a boolean formula can decide if it is satisfiable or not. The main result, known as the Cook-Levin theorem, says:
Theorem (Cook-Levin)
\[\textrm{SAT}\in P\textrm{ if and only if }P=NP\]
In a certain sense then, SAT is the “hardest possible NP problem”: If it is solvable in polynomial time, then all NP problems are solvable in polynomial time.
A related problem is 3SAT, which deals only about formulas that are in 3-conjunctive normal form. These are the conjunctions (ANDs) of disjunctions (ORs) of 3 variables or their complements. So a 3cnf formula would look like this: \[(x_1\lor \bar x_2\lor x_3)\land(x_2\lor x_1\lor \bar x_1)\] To satisfy such a formula, you need to simultaneously satisfy each of the 3-term disjunctive clauses.
The following should be clear:
\[\textrm{3SAT} \leq_P \textrm{SAT}\]
It should be also clear that SAT and 3SAT are both in NP. A non-deterministic time machine for them simply correctly guesses variable assignments for them, then verifies those variable assignments work.
More interesting is the fact that we can relate these satisfiability problems to other problems like CLIQUE:
3SAT is polynomial time reducible to CLIQUE
In order to answer this question we need to do the following:
The graph is created as follows:
Now we have to show this is a reduction:
A consequence of this is that if CLIQUE was in P, then 3SAT would also be in P.
We can similarly link many problems.
We now define the notion of NP-completeness.
A language \(B\) is NP-complete if:
- \(B\) is in NP.
- For any \(A\) in NP we have \(A\leq_P B\).
In other words, NP-complete problems are such that all other NP problems are polynomial-time reducible to them. So if any NP-complete problem was proven to be in \(P\), we would have that \(P=NP\).
It would seem that to show a problem is NP-complete is hard. It turns out that only the first one is hard:
If \(B\) is NP-complete and \(B\leq_P C\) for some \(C\) in NP, then \(C\) is also NP-complete.
So to show a problem \(C\) is NP-complete we have to:
- Show it is in NP
- Show that there is a polynomial time reduction from some NP-complete problem to \(C\).
This makes it easy to prove problems are NP-complete. For example, after we show that 3SAT is NP-complete, the work we did in the previous section would show that CLIQUE is also NP-complete. This has led to the creation of a rich set of NP-complete problems.
Let us prove this fact now.
The Cook-Levin theorem shows that there is a in fact an NP-complete language, namely SAT. We will see a little while later that 3SAT is also NP-complete.
Theorem (Cook-Levin)
SAT and 3SAT are NP-complete.
We look at SAT for now. We have already seen that it is in NP.
The book has a very detailed proof of this theorem. The idea is based on considering a non-deterministic Turing machine that decides a language \(A\in NP\) in \(n^k\) time, and builds a formula that captures the computation, using the idea of a tableau. The details, which you should study, are on pages 277 through 282.