Non-Deterministic Finite Automata

In this section we extend our definition of deterministic finite automata to a seemingly more powerful notion, that of non-deterministic finite automata.

The surprising and wonderful result of this section is that these non-deterministic automata are actually not more powerful; they in fact describe the same set of languages.


Section 1.2

Practice problems (page 85): 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.14, 1.16, 1.40, 1.41, 1.42, 1.51

Challenge: 1.43, 1.44

Motivation for non-deterministic automata

Finite automata have a certain rigidity to them: At every state and a given input, there is exactly one other state to transition to. This is precisely why they are called “deterministic”.

But in so many practical situations we encounter non-determinism and are confronted with choices. A good example of this is trying to recognize the concatenation of two regular languages:

\[AB = \left\{wv\mid w\in A,\, v\in B\right\}\]

If we imagine a deterministic automaton trying to use the automata for \(A\) and \(B\) along the way, we could for instance imagine it starting with the automaton for \(A\), then continuing with the automaton for \(B\). It is this “continuing” part that is difficult: At what point should we drop \(A\) and start looking at \(B\)? How do we know this is the right time to do so?

To make this more concrete, suppose that the overall input is 1101001, and suppose that the words 11, 110 and 11010 are all valid words in \(A\). Then that longer input may be in \(AB\) because 01001 is in \(B\), or because 1001 is in \(B\), or because 01 is in \(B\), or maybe for all 3 reasons. But we can’t know until we start looking into \(B\). So after we have read the first two numbers following \(A\)’s automaton, we have arrived at an accept state for \(A\); do we continue or do we start looking into \(B\)? What if we do start at \(B\) and 0100 turns out not to be in \(B\)? We would conclude that the whole input isn’t in \(AB\) (even though it could be there for other reasons).

So we have to make a choice at that point, and we don’t know what the right choice would be, and we can’t afford to make the wrong choice. So we can’t make a choice. This is the problem presented by deterministic automata.

Definition of non-deterministic automata

The idea of non-deterministic automata is simple: We preserve the finite-ness and definite-ness of the states of a DFA, but we become more flexible on the transitions. From a state and on a given next input, you may now transition to 0 or more states. We also allow for “free transitions”, called “epsilon-transitions”, from a state to another without consuming any input. This way, at any given moment in the computation, our automaton might be in a variety/set of different states, not just one. And on each new input, the automaton would follow that input from all the different states it might have been in, resulting in a new list of possible states. When the computation ends, the automaton would possibly be in any number of possible states, and as long as one of these is an accepting state then the automaton would accept the string.

A (Non-deterministic) Finite Automaton (NFA) is a \(5\)-tuple \((Q, \Sigma, \delta, q_0, F)\), where:

Here \(\mathcal{P}(Q)\) denotes the power-set of the set \(Q\). In other words the return values of the transition function are whole sets of states, instead of individual states. We often can split the function up in two parts, one that handles the epsilon transitions, i.e. transitions on no input at all, and one that handles the normal transitions.

Computation with an NFA

The meaning of computation with an NFA is similar to that for a DFA, except that we have to allow for epsilon transitions. Intuitively, a string is recognized by an NFA if we can reach a final state in one of all the possible calculations that use the string as input. More formally:

We say that an NFA recognizes the string \(w\), if we can write \(w=y_1y_2\cdots y_n\) where each \(y_i\in\Sigma_\epsilon\), and we have a sequence of states \(r_0,r_1,\ldots,r_n\) such that:

\(r_0=q_0\) is the start state of the automaton, \(r_{i+1} \in \delta(r_i, y_{i+1})\) is one of the possible states to transition to on each next step, \(r_n\in F\) is a final state.

We say that the NFA recognizes a language \(L\), if it accepts exactly the strings that are in the language.

So the formal definition has to make two allowances: The insertion of “epsilon steps” in the strings/alphabet, and the fact that the result of a call to the transition function is a whole set of possible states, so the next state just has to be an element of that set.

Epsilon Closures

One concept essential to understanding NFAs is that of epsilon closures. The idea is essentially that we want to follow all possible epsilon transitions from a given set:

The epsilon closure of a set of states \(S\), denoted \(E(S)\) is the set of all states that can be reached from \(S\) via following epsilon transitions. Formally, a state \(s\) is in \(E(S)\) if and only if there is a sequence of states \(s_0,s_1,\ldots,s_k\) such that:

To compute the epsilon closure of a set, we can proceed in steps:

and so on. Since there is a finite set of states, this process will eventually stabilize. We have then arrived at the epsilon closure \(E(S)\).

Standard constructions

In this section we will describe in the language of NFAs how to do the standard constructions, namely:

Given two NFAs \(M_1=(Q_1, \Sigma, \delta_1, q_0^{(1)}, F_1)\) and \(M_2=(Q_2, \Sigma, \delta_2, q_0^{(2)}, F_2)\) that recognize the languages \(L_1\) and \(L_2\) respectively, we will construct:


The idea is simple:

More formally, the new NFA is the 5-tuple \((Q, \Sigma, \delta, q_0, F)\) where:

Technically we would now need to write a formal proof of why this automaton recognizes the union of \(L_1\) and \(L_2\), which would involve two claims:

The proof in many of these “constructed” cases is straightforward but tedious. We will first describe it here:

For the first part: If a string is in \(L_1\) or in \(L_2\), then we can take the path that the string would follow in the corresponding automaton \(M_1\) or \(M_2\), and prepend the epsilon transition to it from \(q_0\) to the appropriate start state. This would show that the new automaton accepts all strings from the union.

Conversely, for the second part, suppose that we have a string that is accepted by our constructed automaton. Then that string must start with an epsilon transition from \(q_0\), and the rest of it is essentially a path that we could have traced in \(L_1\) or \(L_2\), depending on where that first step took us. Since there are no transitions from states in \(M_1\) to states in \(M_2\), a path that arrives at a state in \(F\) and that got into \(M_1\) to begin with must in fact end up in \(F_1\). In other words, if that string is accepted for the union automaton, it must also be accepted for either \(M_1\) or \(M_2\).

Now we will make a more formal proof.

We start with the one direction. If a string \(2\) is in say \(L_1\) (the same argument would work for \(L_2\)) we want to show it is accepted by our automaton. This would show that our automaton accepts every string in \(L_1\cup L_2\). According to the definition of acceptance, we must be able to write \(w=y_2y_3\cdots y_k\), where each \(y_i\) is an \(\epsilon\) or in the alphabet, and there are states \(r_1\), \(r_2\), \(r_3\) and so on from \(Q_1\) such that:

Then if we consider writing \(w=\epsilon y_2y_3\cdots y_k\), and the states \(q_0,r_1,r_2,\ldots\), then this shows that our automaton accepts the string \(w\):

This is only one of the directions. Now we need the opposite direction. Namely that if our automaton accepts the string \(w\), then \(w\) must be in \(L_1\cup L_2\).

Since our automaton accepts the string \(w\), we can write \(w=y_1\cdots y_k\) and there are states \(r_0\), \(r_1\), , \(r_k\) such that:

Since \(r_1 = \delta(q_0, y_1)\) and the only transitions out of \(q_0\) are epsilon transitions, it follows that \(y_1=\epsilon\) and that \(r_1\) is either \(q_0^{(1)}\) or \(q_0^{(2)}\). The argument is very similar in either case, so let’s assume that \(r_1 = q_0^{(1)}\) is the start state of \(M_1\), the automaton for language \(L_1\). Since the transition function for states that came from \(M_1\) is exactly \(\delta_1\), it follows that all the states \(r_i\) from \(r_1\) and on must be in \(Q_1\). In particular, \(r_k\in F\) must also be in \(Q_1\), and hence must be in \(F_1\), a final state for \(M_1\). Then since \(y_1=\epsilon\), the expression of \(w=y_2\cdots y_k\) and the states \(r_2\), \(r_3\), , \(r_k\) show that \(w\) is accepted by \(M_1\), and hence it is necessarily in \(L_1\). This is what we were trying to prove.

So now you know what a “formal proof” looks like. It is worth practicing these in the examples that follow.


Concatenation is equally straightforward: Start with the automaton for \(L_1\), and for each final state there add an epsilon transition to the start state of \(L_2\).

More formally, the new NFA for the concatenation is the 5-tuple \((Q, \Sigma, \delta, q_0, F)\) where:

Exercise for the students: Write proof formally that this recognizes the language \(AB\).

Kleene Star

The idea for the Kleene star is also straightforward. We would effectively want, first of all, to make the start state an accept state. The problem is that that state may be reachable not only on an empty string, but perhaps after a number of other transitions. Turning it into an accept state will alter the set of strings accepted by the automaton.

We therefore need to add a new start state, with an epsilon transition to the old start state. We also need to add arrows from the final states to this new start state (or they could also go to the old start state actually). This allows the automaton to try to match another substring from \(L_1\), after it’s completed matching one (hence the “star” allowing for an arbitrary number of words from \(A\) concatenated together).

Exercise: Show by an example how not introducing a new start state does not produce the correct language.

Let’s try to define it more formally (starting with the automaton \(M_1=(Q_1,\Sigma, \delta_1, q_0^{(1)}, F_1)\) that recognizes \(L_1\):

The DFA equivalent to an NFA

It should be pretty clear that any DFA can be considered as an NFA. But take a moment to work out the details.

What this means is that all regular languages are recognized by some NFA (since they are recognized by a DFA and that DFA has an equivalent NFA).

We say that two DFAs/NFAs are equivalent, if they recognize the same language.

Every DFA has an equivalent NFA. The remarkable fact is that the converse is also true:

For each NFA there is a DFA that recognizes the same language.

This sounds quite remarkable: At a first glance it would seem that NFAs have the potential to recognize more languages. After all, they have all this nondeterminism and can follow multiple paths at the same time. This should be giving them more potential! In fact it does not.

Let us think about the nondeterminism for a second. First of all, from a state and on a given input the NFA might transition into a number of different states. And to top it all off, we can have epsilon transitions from those states to some other new states. So at any given time in the computation, the NFA may be in a number of different states. How can a DFA possibly do something similar?

The idea is simple: Make that whole set of possible states be one of the states on the DFA. Then on a new input letter, consider from each of these possible states in the NFA all the places that input letter could take you, following epsilon transitions when possible. Then create a new set of all the possible states. That’s perhaps another state in the DFA.


So this is how the construction goes. We will do a general case first, then look at how we can make it “smaller”. We start with an NFA \(M_N=(Q_N, \Sigma, \delta_N, q_0^{(N)}, F_N)\). We construct a DFA \(M_D=(Q_D, \Sigma, \delta_D, q_0^{(D)}, F_D)\) as follows:

Question: Do we need the “empty set” state in \(Q_D\)? What does it represent? What transitions are there from and to it?

We claim that the DFA just described is equivalent to the NFA \(M_N\). Before we prove this, note that we can make \(Q_D\) a bit smaller (as it is, if the NFA has \(n\) states then the corresponding DFA has \(2^n\) states) as follows: We start with \(q_0^{(D)}\) and construct as above all transitions from it on any possible input. This gives us a series of new states in \(Q_D\). We do the same for each of them, until no new states are produced.

In other words, we end up including in the final \(Q_D\) only those states from \(\mathcal{P}(Q_N)\) that are actually reachable from the start state.


The proof will once again consist of two directions:

We prove the first direction. Suppose that \(w\) is recognized by \(M_N\). This means that there must be a way to write \(w=y_1y_2\cdots y_k\) where the \(y_i\) are either alphabet letters or \(\epsilon\), and states \(r_0,r_1,\ldots, r_k\in Q_N\) such that:

We need to turn this into an appropriate “path” in \(M_D\). We start from \(q_0^{(N)}\), and hence the DFA state \(t_0=q_0^{(D)}\), and consider \(y_1\). If it is \(\epsilon\), this means that \(r_1\) is in the epsilon-closure of \(q_0^{(N)}\), and therefore we are still at \(t_0=q_0^{(D)}\) from the point of view of the DFA. Also since \(y_1\) is just \(\epsilon\), we could basically ignore it as far as writing \(w\) is concerned. We then look at \(y_2\) and continue in this manner, until we find the first non-epsilon \(y_{i+1}\). Now what we know is that \(r_i\in q_0^{(D)}\), and that \(r_{i+1} \in \delta_N(r_i, y_{i+1})\), therefore \(r_{i+1}\) is one of the elements of the set that is the state \(\delta_D(q_0^{(D)}, y_{i+1})\), because of the way we defined that state. We call this state \(t_1\).

After that \(y_{i+1}\) there might be some epsilons, and we ignore those since they send us to a state that is still in \(t_1\) (as that was the epsilon closure of …). When those epsilons finish, we find the second “true” transition, \(y_{j+1}\). We now have a previous state \(r_j \in t_1\), and the next state is \(r_{j+1} \in \delta_N(r_j, y_{j+1})\), which means that \(r_{j+1}\) is one of the states in the set \(t_2=\delta_D(t_j, y_{j+1})\).

We continue in this fashion, moving to a new \(t_k\) every time we encounter a non-epsilon \(y\), and that \(t_k = \delta_D(t_{k-1}, y)\) is exactly the transition in \(M_D\) from the previous state and on input that non-epsilon element. All epsilons keep us at the same \(t_k\), since that contained all the epsilon transitions of its elements. Finally, we can write the string \(w\) as the concatenation of those non-epsilon elements, as the only things we take out are epsilons.

Lastly, let’s look at the last \(t\). It contains the last \(r_k\), and that is in \(F_N\). By the definition of \(F_D\), we have that \(t\in F_D\). Therefore the string \(w\) is accepted by the DFA \(M_D\).

Now we discuss the converse. Suppose we start with a string \(w=z_1z_2\cdots z_k\) and DFA states \(t_0,t_1,\ldots,t_k\) such that:

We need to construct a “path” in the NFA. We will actually work backwards, starting from the end.

Since \(t_k\in F_D\), we know that \(t_k\cap F_N\neq\emptyset\). So there is some state \(r_k\) in \(t_k\) that is also in \(F_N\), i.e. a final state of \(M_N\). Now we consider \(t_{k-1}\). What we do know is that: \[t_k = \delta_D(t_{k-1}, z_k) = E\left(\bigcup_{q\in t_{k-1}}\delta_N(q, z_k)\right)\]

What this literally means is that there is some state \(r_{k-1}\in t_{k-1}\) so that \(\delta_N(r_{k-1}, z_k)\) followed by epsilon transitions would lead us to \(r_k\). So the end of our string, written to match the NFA, would look like \(z_{k-1}\epsilon\epsilon\cdots\epsilon z_k\), and there would be a corresponding chain of states from \(r_{k-1}\) to \(r_k\) to match it.

We proceed in the same manner to find \(r_{k-2}\), \(r_{k-3}\) and so on. At the end we arrive at a state \(r_0\in q_0^{(D)}\), which is within epsilon-transition reach from \(q_0^{(N)}\). This would complete the construction of the path.

So this is a remarkable fact, worth repeating:

A language is regular if and only if it is recognized by an NFA.