Midterm 2 Study Guide
The test covers all the material discussed in chapters 6, 7, 8, and sections 9.1-9.3, and homeworks 5 through 8. The following set of questions is meant to help guide your study and is not meant to be exhaustive of all the possibilities.
- Describe what the universal Python program does, and provide code for it.
- Define the language
and show that it is recognizable (by writing a Python program that recognizes it).
- Write a program that recognizes, but does not decide, the language of genetic strings containing “GAGA”. (Can you generalize your proof to any decidable language?)
- Give equivalent formulations to the phrase “problem A is (Turing) reducible to problem B”.
- Suppose that problem A Turing reduces to problem B. Which of the following are necessarily true?
- If A is computable then B is computable.
- If A is undecidable then B is undecidable.
- If B also reduces to A then A and B must be the same problem.
- If B reduces to C then A reduces to C.
- If A reduces to C then B reduces to C.
- If we have an oracle program for deciding A, we can use it to solve problem B.
- If we have an oracle program for deciding B, we can use it to solve problem A.
- Problem A is solvable.
- Problem B is solvable.
- Problem A is no harder to solve than problem B.
- Prove the following reductions, using explicit Python code where needed.
reduces to HaltsOnAllNonempty
reduces to HaltsOnEmpty
reduces to YesOnString
reduces to HaltsOnEmpty
- Define what it means for a Python program to halt (page 126)
- Define the computational problem
for a given computational problem F
- True or False:
- If
is computable then Computes_F
is also computable.
- If
is uncomputable then Computes_F
is computable.
- If
is computable then Computes_F
is uncomputable.
- If
is uncomputable then Computes_F
is also uncomputable.
- Give an example of a question about programs that is actually computable.
- Describe how, given a computation tree for a non-deterministic program, we can determine the output of the computation (page 150).
- Given a non-deterministic Turing Machine and an input string, draw the corresponding computation tree and determine the outcome of the computation. (Like figure 8.10 but showing the complete computation history)
- Describe precisely how a non-deterministic Turing Machine differs from a deterministic Turing Machine.
- Let \(L\) be an undecidable language. Prove that if \(L\) is recognizable then its complement \(\bar L\) is unrecognizable.
- Classify the following languages according to whether they are: decidable, recognizable but undecidable, corecognizable but undecidable, or neither recognizable nor corecognizable (nasty).
- Complement of
- Valid Python programs
- Python programs that do not halt on empty
- Give a precise definition of a deterministic finite automaton (DFA).
- Can a DFA loop on a given input? Explain.
- Give a precise definition of a non-deterministic finite automaton (NFA). What is different about a strict NFA?
- Given an NFA, draw an equivalent DFA (like Figure 9.7).
- Provide as many examples as you can of languages that can be decided by an NFA but not by a DFA.