Assignment 9
- Consider the language \(\textrm{ALL}_\textrm{DFA}\) consisting of the string representations of all DFAs \(D\) such that \(L(D) = \Sigma^*\) is the language of all strings in the alphabet (the alphabet defined by that \(D\)). Show that this is a decidable language.
- Consider the language \(L = \left\{\langle M, N\rangle\mid M,N\textrm{ are TMs and }L(M) \cup L(N) = \emptyset \right\}\).
- Show that \(L\) is not decidable.
- Show that \(L\) is co-Turing-recognizable.
- Show that \(L\) is not Turing-recognizable.
- Consider the language \(L = \left\{\langle M, w\rangle\mid M\textrm{ is TM and does not halt on }w\right\}\). Determine which of the following classifications is the correct one for \(L\):
- decidable
- Turing-recognizable but not decidable
- co-Turing-recognizable but not decidable
- neither Turing-recognizable nor co-Turing-recognizable.
- True or False (provide proof or counter-example as appropriate):
- If \(A\subset B\) are two languages, then if \(A\) is decidable then \(B\) is also decidable.
- If \(A\subset B\) are two languages, then if \(B\) is decidable then \(A\) is also decidable.
- Suppose \(A\) is a decidable language, and consider the language \(L_A=\left\{\langle M, w\rangle\mid M\textrm{ is a TM and it accepts }w\textrm{ and what is left on the tape at that point is an element of }A\right\}\). For each of the following determine if it is true or false. Provide proof or counter-example as appropriate.
- For every decidable language \(A\), we have \(L_A\) is Turing-recognizable.
- For every decidable language \(A\), we have \(L_A\) is decidable.
- There is a decidable language \(A\) for which \(L_A\) is decidable.