Function size
- 00:00-00:40 intro sequence
- 00:40-02:50 overview
- 02:50-09:20 astronomy lecture: the sun’s power (can skip)
- 09:20-18:20 the first rule of functions
- 18:30-28:00 small, well-named functions are code signposts and a code filing system
- 28:00-35:50 long functions are where the classes go to hide
- 28:00 overview
- 31:25 prime number report refactoring example (can skip)
- 35:08 summary
- 35:50-51:30 functions should do one thing; extract till you drop
- 35:50 overview
- 40:40 video store refactoring example (can skip)
- 50:30 summary
- 51:30-55:00 recap
- 55:00 End credits (can skip)