Activity 11-2 Rules about working on the project


Your grade on the project is evaluated as follows. First, there are three items on which you receive “individual” grades.

  1. You can ask to lead a feature. This means that you’ll own this feature and bring it to completion. 5% of the final grade is a “participation grade” for leading the estimated number of features. For example if there are 18 features and 12 students, every student is expected to lead at least one feature. Some students will end up leading 2 features, but they don’t get more points for that.
  2. You are expected to pair up with others on their issues. Again this is a “participation grade” expecting you to pair up with someone the expected number of times. This is another 5% of the final grade.
  3. You will each evaluate every other member of your team at the end of the project, with regards to the teamwork they exhibited. We will in particular ask you about the following: These assessments, along with our reflections on them, will account for another 5% of your final grade.

Next, there are two items on which you will receive “group” grades.

  1. An evaluation of the quality of the entire codebase, considering elements such as proper naming, complete and proper testing, simple design, use of design patterns where suitable, etc. This will count for 20% of the final grade (a bit less than half the overall project grade), to emphasize its importance. It is the responsibility of every member of the team to care for the health of the codebase.
  2. An evaluation of the degree to which the project accomplished its deliverables (i.e. features completed). This will take into account the difficulty level of the project and it will not simply be “number of features completed”, and it will count for another 10% of the final grade. It is everyone’s responsibility to help bring as many features as possible to completion.

The takeaways are:

Mechanics (Fall)

Mechanics (Spring)