Modular design has been a fundamental programming technique since the 70s. Modules are separate, inter-changeable components that represent a certain clearly identified part of the program and contain everything needed for the relevant computation.
Here are the key features of a module:
In OCAML, there are two new language constructs that allow us to create modules: signatures (interfaces) and structures (the actual module implementations). We will examine both of these in a specific example.
A signature, also known as a module type, specifies the interface for a module. It consists of a series of declarations of provided bindings and types. The signature cannot contain any normally executable code.
For an example, suppose we were trying to build a “Fraction” module to work with integer fractions. Let us think of what this module might contain:
The important thing here is that as far as the outside world is concerned, they do not need to know exactly how we are going to do these things, they just need to be able to call them.
This is the job of the signature, it tells everyone else of the capabilities we will offer. Here’s how this might look like:
(* Signatures are typically named using all caps and underscores where needed *)
module type FRACTION = sig
(* The type for fractions. Notice that it is "abstract".
We cannot create elements of this type directly. *)
type frac
exception DivisionByZero
(* Some constant values *)
val zero : frac
val one : frac
(* Functions for creating fractions *)
val frac_of_int : int -> frac
val frac_of_pair : int -> int -> frac
(* Functions that use fractions *)
val add : frac -> frac -> frac
val sub : frac -> frac -> frac
val mul : frac -> frac -> frac
val div : frac -> frac -> frac
val string_of_frac : frac -> string
val float_of_frac : frac -> float
val pair_of_frac : frac -> int * int (* num/denom *)
As another example, imagine a “set” class for holding sets of elements of the same type. Then we might have a signature for that module that looks like this:
module type SET = sig
type 'a set (* It is a container type, it must take a type parameter *)
(* Functions for creating/adding to sets *)
val empty : 'a set
val insert : 'a set -> 'a -> 'a set
val set_of_list : 'a list -> 'a set
(* Functions for manipulating sets *)
val contains : 'a set -> 'a -> bool
val is_empty : 'a set -> bool
val size : 'a set -> int
val union : 'a set -> 'a set -> 'a set
Structures are the standard way to implement a module. They may define many more things than what a corresponding signature suggests, and these things will not be visible to the rest of the program.
Let us see for example how we might implement the structure for fractions. We need to make certain decisions:
(4, 2)
, then other functions would try to use it and they may assume the invariant, which would be a mistake in this case.Here’s a possible implementation. It requires a function gcd
for computing the greatest common divisor between two numbers.
(* Modules are upper-cased *)
module Fraction : FRACTION = struct
type frac = int * int
exception DivisionByZero
let gcd a b = ...
let zero = (0, 1)
let one = (1, 1)
let frac_of_int i = (i, 1)
let frac_of_pair num denom =
let d = gcd num denom
in if denom = 0 then raise DivisionByZero
else if denom > 0
then (num / d, denom / d)
else (- num / d, - denom / d)
let add (n1, d1) (n2, d2) = frac_of_pair (n1 * d2 + n2 * d1, d1 * d2)
let sub (n1, d1) (n2, d2) = add (n1, d1) (-n2, d2)
let mul (n1, d1) (n2, d2) = frac_of_pair (n1 * n2, d1 * d2)
let div (n1, d1) (n2, d2) = frac_of_pair (n1 * d2 + n2 * d1, d1 * d2)
let string_of_frac (n, d) = string_of_int n ^ "/" ^ string_of_int d
let float_of_frac (n, d) = float n /. float d
let pair_of_frac (n, d) = (n, d)