Type-checking in the interpreter


We will now discuss the implementation of static type-checking.

Let us start by considering what the type-checker might have to do in an example like the following program:

(let ([x (+ 3 2)])
  (* x 2))

Let us think of what a type-checker may have to do.

So in other words we know what our type-checker needs to do:

Here is the language we will look at. Our functions need to specify the type of their argument. If we want to allow them to recursively call themselves we would need to also specify the return value, or else infer it. We will discuss type inference in the future. For now we will expect functions to specify both argument and return types.

(struct varC (s) #:transparent)
(struct numC (n) #:transparent)
(struct boolC (n) #:transparent)
(struct arithC (op e1 e2) #:transparent)
(struct ifC (tst thn els) #:transparent)
(struct pairC (e1 e2) #:transparent)
(struct carC (e) #:transparent)
(struct cdrC (e) #:transparent)
(struct unitC () #:transparent)
(struct letC (s e1 e2) #:transparent)
(struct funC (fname arg ty-arg body ty-body) #:transparent)
(struct callC (e1 e2) #:transparent)

We also need to specify similar structures for types. We will need the following types:

(struct numT () #:transparent)
(struct boolT () #:transparent)
(struct unitT () #:transparent)
(struct pairT (t1 t2) #:transparent)
(struct funT (t1 t2) #:transparent)    ;; t1 -> t2

Here’s how the typechecker would start:

(define (tc env e)
    [(varC? e) (lookup (varC-s) env)]
    [(numC? e) numT]
    [(boolC? e) boolT]
    [(unitC? e) unitT]
    ;; more cases here ... ))

We will now consider each of the remaining cases. We will start with the arithmetic operators: They should only apply to numbers, and the result should be a number:

    [(arithC? e)
     (if (and (numT? (tc env (arithC-e1 e)))
              (numT? (tc env (arithC-e3 e))))
         (error "Arithmetic on non-numbers"))]

Next we’ll handle a conditional. The test component must evaluate to a boolean, and the other two must have the same type. That type is the return type:

    [(ifC? e)
     (if (boolT? (tc env (ifC-thn e)))
         (let ([t1 (tc env (ifC-thn e))]
               [t2 (tc env (ifC-els e))])
           (if (equal? t1 t2)
               (error "Conditional branches must have same type")))
         (error "Conditional test must have boolean type"))]

Next we have pairs: They simply form a new type out of their components:

    [(pairC? e)
     (pairT (tc env (pairC-e1 e))
            (tc env (pairC-e2 e)))]

The pair accessors car and cdr are more interesting. They evaluate their expression, and it must be of pair type. They then read off the type from the pair.

    [(carC? e)
     (let ([t (tc env (carC-e e))])
       (if (pairT? t)
           (pairT-t1 t)
           (error "Trying to call car on non-pair")))]
    [(cdrC? e)
     (let ([t (tc env (cdrC-e e))])
       (if (pairT? t)
           (pairT-t1 t)
           (error "Trying to call cdr on non-pair")))]

Let statements are more interesting. As we discussed at the beginning, we need to typecheck the second expression in an environment that has the symbol bound to the type of the first expression.

    [(letC? e)
     (tc (bind (letC-s e)
               (tc env (letC-e1 e))
         (letC-e2 e))]

Function definitions turn out to be the hardest case. We will start with function calls: They typecheck their first argument, and it must be a function (arrow) type. The argument type there must agree with the type of the second expression. The whole expression then has the return type stored in the function type.

    [(callC? e)
     (let ([tf (tc env (callC-e1 e))]
           [tv (tc env (callC-e2 e))])
       (if (funT? tf)
           (if (equal? (funT-t1 tf) tv)
               (error "Argument type does not match function's expected type"))
           (error "Calling non-function")))]

Finally, we have function definitions. This is an interesting distinction between evaluation and typechecking. For evaluation we had to do the hard work when calling a function, as we had to extend the dynamic environment at that point. The typechecker needs to do its hard work when “creating” the function closure, to ensure that the function definition has the types it claims. This depends only on the type of the argument and on the body expression, and we can check this without needing to call the function.

    [(funC? e)
     (let ([targ (funC-ty-arg e)]
           [tret (funC-ty-body e)]
           [tbody (tc (funC-body e)
                       (bind (funC-s e) targ env))])
       (if (equal? tret tbody)
           (funT targ tret)
           (error "Suggested return type does not match actual body type")))]