Midterm 3 / Final Study Guide
Material covered
Chapters 10, 11, 12
- Definitions to know:
- Primitive roots
- The discrete logarithm
- The Diffe-Hellman protocol
- Quadratic residues and quadratic nonresidues
- Positive and negative residues (in the context of Gauss's lemma)
- Definitions of \(g\) and \(T(a,p)\)
- The Legendre symbol
- Carmichael numbers
- You should know all theorem and lemma statements. Especially:
- There is always a primitive root modulo a prime \(p\)
- There is an element of order \(q^s\) for each \(q^s\) dividing \(p-1\).
- There are \(\phi(p-1)\) distinct primitive roots modulo \(p\).
- There are exactly \((p-1)/2\) quadratic residues and as many quadratic nonresidues.
- Legendre symbol is multiplicative
- Euler's identity, Gauss's lemma, Eisenstein's lemma
- The various forms of the Law of Quadratic Reciprocity (\(-1\), \(2\), \(q\)).
- Restatement 11.3.2
- Theorem 11.4.1
- Visualization of Eisenstein's lemma and proposition 11.6.1
- What the Miller-Rabin test says.
- Theorems you should know how to prove:
- Proposition 10.2.2 about the number of roots to \(x^m-1\) in \(\mathbb{Z}_p\).
- If \(a, b\) have relatively prime orders, then the order of \(ab\) is the product of those orders (lemma 10.3.5).
- Preamble to Euler's identity (theorem 11.2.1)
- How to use Euler's identity to determine when \(-1\) is a quadratic residue (law of quadratic reciprocity for \(-1\), also called the quadratic character of \(-1\)).
- How to use Gauss's lemma to determine the quadratic character of \(2\).
- Eisenstein's lemma (11.5.1).
Practice Problems
- Know very well all the turned-in assignments (9-10)
- Know how to do the non-optional practice problems
- Be ready for true/false questions
- Know how to:
- compute Legendre Symbols
- find primitive roots
- compute orders of elements
- find elements with specific orders, given a primitive root
- do Diffie-Hellman key exchange
- compute the Legendre symbol using all the different ways we learned
- use the Miller-Rabin test