Public Key cryptography and RSA


Practice Problems

(Challenge, Optional) Implement these algorithms in a programming language, and do exercises 10-12.


Public Key Cryptography

The cryptographic techniques we have seen so far are symmetric: The same key is used for both encryption and decryption.

This presents a problem: When two parties want to communicate with each other, they need to both know that key. But if someone is listening on the line, how will they communicate that key to each other at the beginning?

Symmetric Key Encryption relies on the two parties having already established a shared secret key. This has to happen with some other means.

So for example if you want to talk to your bank over the internet, how could you and your bank share this secret key, when it is possible that someone is watching everything you send to each other over the internet?

Before the advent of Public Key Cryptography the answer was that you simply could not do it. You could perhaps have arranged for the bank to physically mail you some secret number via the postal service, or you could go by the bank and pick it up. Then you could use that to shared secret key to talk to each other over the internet.

But there is another way, Public Key Cryptography:

In Public Key Cryptography there are two keys:

public key
This key is used to encrypt messages. You share this with the "world", so everyone knows how to encrypt messages and send them to you.
private key
This key is used to decrypt messages. You keep this key private, noone else knows about it. So only you can decrypt messages.

This is therefore an asymmetric encryption scheme.

So encryption is done via the public key, and decryption via the private key. Since encryption is always an inverse process to decryption, this requires that we have some "function" whose inverse cannot be efficiently computed.

Asymmetric encryption schemes tend to be more expensive. They are typically used at the beginning of a communication, they allow the two parties to use a public medium to share a secret key. Once they have that shared secret, they can use a faster symmetric encryption scheme.

So here is a typical way this might go (remember our two parties are called Alice and Bob):

Basic Public Key Cryptography Handshake

This is a perfectly good scheme, but it leaves something out: It would be nice if there was a way for Bob to know that he's really talking to Alice. He knows Alice's public key, maybe this can be used somehow? Indeed it can!

The key here is that decryption and encryption are trully inverse processes to each other: If D, E are the decryption and encryption algorithms respectively, then we have:

\[E(D(x)) = x\] \[D(E(x)) = x\]

In other words, you can either first use D and then E, or first use E and then D, and in both cases you get back the original message.

Using this we can do what is known as digital signing

Digital Signature using Public Keys

To sum up: Alice performs \(D_A\) followed by \(E_B\), Bob performs \(D_B\) followed by \(E_A\).

The RSA algorithm

The RSA algorithm is an Public Key Encryption scheme that uses exponentiation. It is named after its three creators, Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman. It is widely used in internet communications.

RSA system

Let us verify the next-to-last claim: The only way we can know both \(\phi(N) = M\) and \(N\) is if we knew the factors \(pq\). To see this:

As practice of this method, find the two numbers (they don't need to be prime for this to work) whose product is \(90897\) and whose sum is \(862\).

The only other thing to verify is that the only way to know both \(d\) and \(e\) is if we also know \(\phi(N)\). We won't go into that now as it deviates from our goals.