Minimum Spanning Trees
- Read section 4.3, pages 94-99
- What do we refer to as a spanning tree of a graph \(G\)?
- What are the order and size of such a spanning tree?
- The book describes two ways to produce a spanning tree, one by adding edges to an initially empty graph and another by removing edges from a more complete graph. Describe in more details those two ways.
- Prove theorem 4.10: Every connected graph contains a spanning tree.
- What do we refer to as a weighted graph?
- How do we compute the weight of a subgraph of a weighted graph?
- What is the Minimum Spanning Tree Problem?
- Describe Kruskal’s Algorithm for locating a minimum spanning tree of a weighted graph.
- Prove that Kruskal’s algorithm does indeed produce a minimum spanning tree. This consists of two parts:
- Proving that the result of the construction is indeed a spanning tree.
- Proving that it is a minimum spanning tree.
- Describe Prim’s Algorithm for locating a minimum spanning tree of a weighted graph.
- How do Kruskal’s and Prim’s algorithms differ?
- Prove that Prim’s Algorithm does indeed produce a minimum spanning tree.
- Work out problem 4.26
- Practice Problems: 4.25, 4.27