Interactive Programming in Haskell

In this section we discuss the challenge of creating interactive applications in Haskell, and how Haskell addresses the problem.

Interactive Programming in a Pure World

In Haskell all functions are pure, which means that their outputs are completely determined by their inputs. This is a wonderful feature that provides numerous guarantees. We can more easily argue about the correctness of a program if we know exactly what the results will be.

By contrast, interacting with the user requires that we break this purity. If the user is expected to type some string in, how can our function return a predictable result? And what about functions that print something to the screen? Each time we run the function, a new “effect” is produced, as a new string is printed to the screen. This is in addition to and distinct from whatever return value the function might produce.

So the question becomes how to represent such a situation, when our language does not allow such “side-effects”. The answer is with a new type:

type IO a

So a value of type IO a interacts with the “world” in some way and also produces a value of type a. We can now write the types of two key functions:

getChar :: IO Char
putChar :: Char -> IO ()

So getChar is an IO Char type: It interacts with the user in some way (reading a character) and returns a value of type Char. putChar on the other hand takes as input a character and produces an interaction with the user (i.e. printing the character), where this interaction doesn’t produce anything.

We can test a simple interaction this way (we will explain do in a minute):

main :: IO ()
main = do
    x <- getChar
    putChar x

If we load this and type main, then the interface will wait for us to type a character, then echo that character back to us before exiting. Try it out!

Some other useful functions, you can probably guess what they do, but make surey you understand the types:

getLine :: IO String
putStr :: String -> IO ()
putStrLn :: String -> IO ()
print :: (Show a) => a -> IO ()

Values of type IO a are called actions. They are “impure” in the sense that their results depend on external factors such as user interaction, and as such they cannot be used inside of “pure” functions. What this means in practical terms is that we cannot get the value of type a completely out of its IO context: There is no function of type IO a -> a that we can make. Once you are in IO you are stuck there.

So the main idea of working with interactive programming is as follows:

The Do notation: Combining Actions

In order to write more complicated actions we need a way of combining primitive actions together. The do notation is very handy there. The do notation looks like this:

myNewAction = do
    x <- action2

So it consists of a series of actions, and it executes these actions in order. An action could instead have an assignment like x <- action2 above, meaning that the result of the action should be stored in the variable x, which then becomes available to the followup actions (action3 and action4 in the preceding example).

For example, let’s write an action getLine. It reads characters until it encounters the newline character. It then creates a string from all those characters. It has type IO String. Here is the logic:

In the above a key step is to be able to “return” a specific value, like a string. This means that we need to turn an actual value into an action that does not change the world but that contains this value as its value. This is done by a function aptly called return:

return :: a -> IO a

The function return simply takes a value and turns it into the trivial action.

Now let’s look at the code for our getLine function:

getLine :: IO String
getLine = do
    c <- getChar
    if c == '\n'
        then return ""
        else do
            cs <- getLine
            return (c:cs)

So this example consists of 2 actions. The first is a call to getChar. The second action is the result of the if-then-else call, which depends on the character c. It is the return "" action if the character is the newline character, or it is an action defined via a do as the combination of two other actions, for any other character.

Let us similarly write a function that prints a string. It must take as input a string, and returns an action with no value.

putStr :: String -> IO ()
putStr []     = return ()
putStr (c:cs) = do
    putChar c
    putStr cs

There is also a version that follows the string with a newline:

putStrLn :: String -> IO ()
putStrLn s = do
    putStr s
    putChar '\n'

All these are already implemented in Haskell, but even if they were not we could have easily added them.

Before we move on, let us consider another useful function, called sequence_. It has type:

sequence_ :: [IO a] -> IO ()

It takes a list of actions, and it performs them in sequence, ignoring their results. It could be implemented as follows:

sequence_ []       = return ()
sequence_ (ac:acs) = do ac
                        sequence_ acs

You should notice a similarity between this function and putStr earlier. In fact, think of how you could implement putStr using sequence_ and a list comprehension (or map) to form a list of actions out of a list of characters.

To show some more possibilities, let’s write a function that reads in a number if it’s the only thing on a line. We use here the special function read which converts a string to another kind of value, like an integer:

getInt :: IO Int
getInt = do
    s <- getLine
    return (read s)

And here is an example usage:

addUp :: IO ()
addUp = do
    i1 <- getInt
    i2 <- getInt
    putStrLn ("The sum is: " ++ show (i1 + i2))

More complex example (do as time permits): Write an action that asks for an integer, then asks the user to type in that many numbers, and returns their sum, with some prompts along the way.


  1. Implement an action that will ask for a line of input from the user and then test whether that line forms a palindrome or not, and return an appropriate message.
  2. Implement a prompt :: String -> IO String method which presents the provided prompt to the user, then reads a line of input (and returns that line as its value; getLine will take care of that part).
  3. Implement putStr using sequence_. The types should help guide you in the process (You start with a [Char], which you should turn into a [IO ()] before calling sequence_).
  4. Implement a function getWord :: IO String that reads and returns a word (and stops when it encounters a non-word character. The built-in function Data.Char.isAlpha :: Char -> Bool can tell you if a character is alphabetic.
  5. Implement the action sequence :: [IO a] -> IO [a]. It takes a list of actions, performs them all, and collects the results into one list.