Recall how we defined trees in the past:
data Tree a = E | N (Tree a) a (Tree a)
It is natural for us to want to traverse the trees. The most universal way to do so is to define folding functions analogous to foldr
or foldl
. We will need three such functions, as trees can be traversed in three ways:
Let’s take a look at how we can implement each of these:
foldin :: (a -> b -> b) -> Tree a -> b -> b
foldin _ E v = v
foldin f (N left x right) v = v3
where v1 = foldin f left v
v2 = f x v1
v3 = foldin f right v2
We could actually also write these in a “point-free” way, avoiding direct references to v
foldin _ E = id -- The identity function
foldin f (N left x right) = foldin f right . f x . foldin f left
Practice: Implement the other two traversals, foldpre
and foldpost