In this section we briefly discuss other important SQL-related concepts that we don't have time to explore more fully.
An index is essentially an extra structure that is stored along with your database table, and facilitates certain searches. Each index is essentially tailor-made for a particular kind of search that uses a certain set of columns.
An index effectively maintains an efficient arrangement of the rows according to their values in a certain column. Think of it similar to the index at the back of a book: It offers you quick access to occurences of important words in the text. Similarly, an index on the variable "age" would for instance offer you quick access to the rows corresponding to students of a particular age, rather than having to go through all rows to find them.
This power comes at a cost: Every time you want to add a new entry or change an existing entry, the corresponding index needs to change to accomodate this new value. As a result, indexes make the INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE queries slower, in order to make certain SELECT queries faster.
As a concrete example, consider the following table:
CREATE TABLE `dummy_vals` (
`id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`anint` INT(11),
This table has an auto-generated key called id
, and it is also a primary key. Any primary key is automatically part of an index. This means that any queries that address the table via the id
will be very efficient. In order to work with the table, we will add a fairly large number of data to it. This uses a procedure, and you don't need to understand all the details:
CREATE PROCEDURE generate_data()
WHILE i < 100000 DO
INSERT INTO `dummy_vals` (`datetime`,`anint`) VALUES (
FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2014-01-01 01:00:00')+FLOOR(RAND()*31536000)),
SET i = i + 1;
CALL generate_data();
This generates 50000 "dummy" entries. As we say, these are by default indexed based on the id
. So we could do quite efficiently a query like the following:
FROM dummy_vals
WHERE id > 25000 AND id < 29000
This takes a mere 0.004-0.007 seconds to execute. But a query on the integer field, matching about the same number of cases, would be slower:
FROM dummy_vals
WHERE anint > 250 and anint < 270
ORDER BY anint;
This takes 0.03-0.5 seconds to execute, about 7-8 times slower. If we were to add an index to it, like so:
ALTER TABLE `dummy_vals`
ADD INDEX `anint_index` (anint);
Then the same anint
-based query as above takes only 0.005-0.008 seconds, very close to the primary key-based query.
Indexing on multiple columns only helps if you use all the columns, or at least the first few columns. For example, if we take out that last index and add a new one:
ALTER TABLE `dummy_vals`
DROP INDEX `anint_index`,
ADD INDEX `combo_index` (created, anint);
Then the anint
-based query is again slow, because this index requires a created
clause before it can be used. Reversing the order helps:
ALTER TABLE `dummy_vals`
DROP INDEX `combo_index`,
ADD INDEX `combo_index2` (anint, created);
Now the anint
-based query is again fast.
Some takeaways:
Views are a bit like "virtual tables". A view is associated with a SELECT query, and it effectively stores the query for future use. In the future you can directly try to access the view as if it was a table, without needing to explicitly run the query again. There are two main uses of this:
Read more about views in the links above.
We now turn to an important topic that is more higher-level, namely Object-Relational Mapping. The idea is simple. Assume we are working in an object-oriented language like Python.
one-to-one relationships. They also come in two variables, where the lack of a relationship is allowed and where it is not. Imagine an "order" object. It may or may not be associated to a unique "invoice" object. An order may or may not have an associated invoice object, and an invoice object can only be associated with one order object.
Another example is relating a student-class enrollment object to an evaluation object, should we choose to do so. An evaluation is associated to a unique enrollment, and an enrollment is associated to at most one evaluation (but none if the student has not completed one).
In SQL terms, this association is achieved via a FOREIGN KEY that is also UNIQUE, and possibly NOT relationships. These relate an object of one class with possibly many objects of another class. Almost universally the owning side is the "many" side. The "many" objects are typically stored in a collection structure like a Python list.
As an example, a course has a one-many relationship with its sections. This is represented by a foreign key on the sections table pointing to the corresponding course.
In SQL these relationships are achieved via a standard FOREIGN KEY.many-to-many relationships. Each object of the one class may be related to many objects of the other class, and vice versa. For example in a mailing center we might have accounts and addresses. An account may be associated with many addresses, and an address may correspond to multiple accounts.
In SQL these kinds of relationships are typically achieved via a third "intersection" table that contains pairs of ids from the two tables corresponding to the classes. It effectively turns the many-to-many relationship in two many-to-one relationships through the intermediary intersection table.
Some times we go further and explicitly make this its own entity/class, when we want to store further information along. For example students have a many-to-many relationship with course sections, but this relationship becomes explicit via the enrollment table, as we want to store further information along, namely whether the student has completed an evaluation yet or not.user1
, then later on search for the user "Haris" again and store it in the variable user2
, then the objects stored in the variables user1
and user2
are in fact the exact same object, and not two different copies.