Introduction to Python

Reading / References


In this section we will review some of the key Python data structures and describe suitable uses for them. This is not meant to be a complete introduction to Python, but only a refresher of some key ideas, with an emphasis on how information may be stored in Python and the consequences of different storage decisions.

Lists, Tuples and Dictionaries

Regardless of the programming language of choice, there are some common types used when representing data. They come in two flavors:


Chances are you are already quite familiar with lists.

As a simple example, we could have a list containing the names of all teams in our conference (data obtained from

teams[2]   # Rose-Hulman
teams[2:4] # A "slice" of entries 2 through 4

for team in teams:

# Creating a new empty list then copying the elements over
# This is meant as an example. Do NOT copy lists this way.
# Use teams.copy() instead.
teamsCopy = list()
for team in teams:


May not have used tuples before, but they are quite useful in putting together heterogeneous but coupled elements.

t = ("HANOVER", 14, 4)
t[0]   # <-- "HANOVER"
(name, wins, losses) = t  # multiple assignment
name, wins, losses = t    # also works

As a longer example, we could combine lists and tuples. For example we may have a list of tuples, and process it in a for-in loop with multiple assignment:

results = [
    ("HANOVER", 14, 4), ("MOUNT ST. JOSEPH", 14, 4), ("ROSE-HULMAN", 14, 4),
    ("TRANSYLVANIA", 12, 6), ("ANDERSON", 9, 9), ("BLUFFTON", 8, 10),
    ("FRANKLIN", 7, 11), ("EARLHAM", 6, 12), ("MANCHESTER", 4, 14),
    ("DEFIANCE", 2, 16)

for team, wins, losses in results:
    print("%s: %d Wins, %d Losses" % (team, wins, losses))
# Alternative:
for tuple in results:
    print("%s: %d Wins, %d Losses" % tuple)

Notice the expression "%s: %d Wins, %d Losses" % tuple in the contents of the print statement. This is the use of the percent operator for doing string formating. It has the general form:

string % values

Where values is a tuple of values whose arity matches the placeholders in the string. Read more about it and other formats in the input/output section of the Python tutorial.


A dictionary, often referred to also as a map, is a structure that associates "keys" with "values".

For example, we used a tuple earlier to represent the information of a team and their win and loss record. We could instead have used a dictionary:

team = { "name": "HANOVER", "wins": 14, "losses": 4 }
team["name"]     # <-- "HANOVER"

# Iterate over the keys:
for key in team:
    print(key, team[key])

# Iterate over key-value pairs:
for key, value in team.items():
    print(key, value)

As an example, we could store the teams we worked with earlier in a dictionary, indexed by the team names:

results = {
    "HANOVER": ("HANOVER", 14, 4),
    "MOUNT ST. JOSEPH": ("MOUNT ST. JOSEPH", 14, 4),
    "ROSE-HULMAN": ("ROSE-HULMAN", 14, 4),
    "ANDERSON": ("ANDERSON", 9, 9),
    "BLUFFTON": ("BLUFFTON", 8, 10),
    "FRANKLIN": ("FRANKLIN", 7, 11),
    "EARLHAM": ("EARLHAM", 6, 12),
    "MANCHESTER": ("MANCHESTER", 4, 14),
    "DEFIANCE": ("DEFIANCE", 2, 16)

An example

As a motivating example, we will consider the following problem: We have stored the text from a certain book in a text file. We will use for our example a transcript of the Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, which can be found in this file provided by the "E-Texts" website. We would like to process it in a way that would facilitate answering some questions. For example:

Activity: Discuss how you would represent the text of this book in Python to facilitate answering these questions, using the data structures described above. Present at least three different approaches and discuss advantages and disadvantages of each. Some approaches might make some of the questions easier but other questions harder.


  1. You will store courses that you have taken, identifying the term that you took them on the course prefix (e.g. CS) and your grade as a gpa number. Decide how you would represent this in Python and then make a small list of such courses including at least two different terms and two different prefixes. You can of course make your grades up if you prefer. Store these in a variable called courses.
  2. Write code that would compute your overall gpa. You need to keep track of a running total as well a number of courses, in order to compute an average at the end.
  3. Write code that would compute your gpa for each of the prefixes. You may want to use a dictionary or two to store the results.
  4. Read up on how to sort a list of items in Python, and sort your courses based on grade, starting from the highest.