Lab Assignment 4: SQLAlchemy Core

In this assignment we will start work on the sample project, by creating the database entries for it. You should download this Python script from GitHub and this MySQL script from GitHub and store them both in the same location where your keys.json file is. You will need to add a key called vault with value an object with keys username, password, server and schema. It would look something like this (we won't need the twitter part but you likely have it there already):

   "twitter": {
      "key": "....",
      "secret": "...."
   "vault": {
      "username": "skiadas",
      "password": "....",
      "server": "",
      "schema": "skiadas"

You should use your own login for username and schema name, and type in your own password. Keep the server value at as above.

You will be submitting two files. The one is an SQL script you should start. The other is the Python script you just downloaded, with your additions at the end. You should provide two solutions for each question:

NOTE: Both the Python script an the MySQL script start by dropping the previous tables, to make sure you have a clean start every time you run them.

The database will contain three tables:

Here are the questions. Remember that these questions must all be done BOTH in MySQL and in SQL Alchemy, unless the question says otherwise.

  1. The first step would be to write code that creates these three tables. First create the table ev_users. It should have the following columns/fields:
  2. Next, create a table ev_events (with corresponding SQLAlchemy name tblEvents. It should have the following columns/fields:
  3. Next, create a table ev_invites (with corresponding SQLAlchemy name tblInvites). It should have the following columns/fields:
  4. Write code that creates and adds a user named after yourself, with affiliation "Hanover College, Student", as well as another student user of your choice with the same affiliation, as well as a user named after a professor, with affiliation "Hanover College, Faculty, Staff".
  5. Write code that creates a new event titled "Homecoming get-together", scheduled with a start timestamp of October 6th at 8am, with you as the owner, and with longtitude and latitude pinpointing to the Horner Center. A google search for Horner Center coordinates should return those values. By convention north and east values are positive, while south and west values are negative.
  6. Write code that looks at any event where the owner of the event does not have an invite entry for the event itself, and inserts such an entry into the ev_invites table with a status of "Accepted".
  7. Write code that looks at any event whose title contains the word "Homecoming" and any user whose affiliation contains the phrase "Hanover College", and inserts invites to those users for those events (without a specified status). You will need to learn about SQL's LIKE string function and the use of the % wildcard there.
  8. Write code that looks at any event that has an end value of NULL or an end value earlier than the start value, and updates it so that it has an end value two hours after its start value. In order to do "time arithmetic", you will need to look up the details of the DATE_ADD function in MySQL, and also the timedelta object in the datetime module in Python (Python allows you to add a timedelta object to a datetime object).
  9. (Tricky) Write code that looks at any event that has less than 5 people who have accepted their invite to it, and then reschedules it by moving the start date by one full day. You should start by creating a query that would return the ids of events that have less than 5 people accepted. You can do most of this using a GROUP BY together with the HAVING clause that you will need to read up on.