Midterm 1 study guide
- Make sure you can do all the practice problems listed in the notes from chapter 11 (series).
- Definitions and Theorems you need to know to state and use:
- Sequences, limit of a sequence.
- How to find the limit of a recursively defined sequence, if such a limit exists.
- Behavior of the geometric sequence.
- Limit laws for sequences and the squeeze theorem for sequences.
- If a sequence converges absolutely to 0, then it converges normally to 0 as well.
- A monotone increasing sequence converges.
- Series, the sequence of partial sums, definition of series convergence.
- Basic divergence test.
- The geometric series.
- Telescoping series.
- A positive terms series converges if and only if it is bounded.
- The integral test.
- p-series test.
- Comparison test. Limit comparison test.
- Absolute convergence implies convergence
- Conditional convergence.
- Alternating series test.
- Alternating series error estimate (p. 578)
- Ratio test, Root test.
- Power series.
- Deriving new series from existing ones via substitutions.
- Deriving new series from existing ones derivatives and integrals.
- Taylor series.
- Theorem 2 on page 599.
- Power series expressions for sin, cos, exp, ln(1+x), arctangent.
- Theorems you need to be able to prove:
- Basic divergence test
- A positive terms series converges if and only if it is bounded
- p-series test
- A series that converges absolutely also converges normally
- (Idea of the) proof of the ratio test
- Extra practice problems, from the “Chapter Review Exercises” on page 609:
- 3, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19
- 29, 30, 33, 34, 37, 40
- 44, 45, 46, 54
- 63, 66, 67, 69, 70, 75, 76, 81, 82, 85
- 93, 95, 96, 97, 103, 105