Decrease-by-one algorithms: Insertion Sort
- Read 4.1, pages 131-138
- Describe how in general the “decrease-by-one” and “decrease-by-constant-factor” algorithms work.
- Describe the main approach to sorting that the Insertion Sort algorithm takes. How is this an illustration of the “decrease-by-one” approach?
- Study the algorithm for InsertionSort.
- What is the meaning of the index \(i\)? Why does it start from 1?
- What is the meaning of the index \(j\)?
- Explain the condition in the
loop. Why is that the right test?
- What is the meaning of the assignment
A[j+1] <- A[j]
- Why do we need the variable
- At intermediate parts of the InsertionSort algorithm, what part of the array, if any, is sorted?
- Are those values in their final locations?
- How does that compare with SelectionSort and BubbleSort?
- Analyze the worst-case and best-case efficiency of InsertionSort. When does the best base occur?
- Practice problems: 4.1.7, 4.1.8, 4.1.9
- Challenge: 4.1.11, 4.1.12