Consider the following non-recursive algorithm for DFS:
// Vertices are the numbers 0, ..., n-1
stack <- an empty stack
popCount <- 0
pushCount <- 0
// A vertex is visited if its pushOrder value is > 0
pushOrder <- array[0, ..., n-1]
popOrder <- array[0, ..., n-1]
while true:
if the stack is empty:
if all vertices are visited:
v <- the first unvisited vertex
pushCount <- pushCount + 1
pushOrder[v] <- pushCount
push v to stack
v <- peek at the top of the stack
if v has no unvisited adjacent vertices:
popCount <- popCount + 1
popOrder[v] <- popCount
pop v from the stack
w <- first unvisited adjacent vertex of v
pushCount <- pushCount + 1
pushOrder[w] <- pushCount
push w to stack
Follow the algorithm for the example graph from exercise 3.5.1. Does this algorithm appear to be correct?