Play the following variations of this game, twice for each game taking turns on who is the guesser and who the adversary. Record (in the guesser’s sheet* the names of the players, the questions and answers, and the final number.
This is another guesser-adversary game. In this game we have 5 objects, A, B, C, D and E. These objects are in a certain order, from smallest to largest. This order is up to the adversary to decide, and they don’t need to decide it beforehand.
After a number of questions, the guesser must guess which of the objects is the largest of all. The adversary must also reveal an order for the objects.
The players take turns switching roles, for a total of 4 games. The winner is the one with the most points at the end.
Record on the guesser’s sheet the comparisons/questions made, the final guess and the corresponding order and how many points you got.