Interpreting objects and classes


Building on our work with an interpreter that allows mutation, we will now further discuss how to implement objects and classes in it. Let us think of the main ingredients:

Here’s how the main structs for something like this might look like:

;; New language construts
(struct classC (super init fnames mnames methods))
(struct newC (class))
(struct self ())
(struct disp (obj s arg))  ;; method call/dispatch. arg is an expression
(struct getC (obj s))     ;; returns the value in field s
(struct setC (obj s e))   ;; sets the value in field s to the result of interp e
;; New values
(struct classV (super init fnames mnames methods))
(struct objV (class fields locs) #:transparent)

Let us consider implementation. First, because we will encounter the situation of having a racket list of expressions that need to be evaluated, each passing its store to the next, we should create a helper function to do that:

(define (interp-list o env sto lst)
  (if (null? lst)
      (res null sto)
      (let* ([r (interp o env sto (car lst))]
             [r-rest (interp-list o env (res-sto r) (cdr lst))])
        (res (cons (res-v r)
                   (res-v r-rest))
             (res-sto r-rest)))))


Evaluating a classC is simple, but there’s plenty of information stored there:

;; (classC super init fnames mnames methods)
    [(classC? e)
     (let* ([r-super (interp o env sto (classC-super e))]
            [super (res-v r-super)]
            [r-init (interp o env (res-sto r-super) (classC-init e))]
            [init (res-v r-init)]
            [r-methods (interp-list o env (res-sto r-init) (classC-methods e))]
            [methods (res-v r-methods)]
            [fnames (classC-fnames e)]
            [mnames (classC-mnames e)])
       (cond [(not (andmap symbol? fnames))
              (error "field names must be symbols")]
             [(not (andmap symbol? mnames))
              (error "method names must be symbols")]
             [(not (closV? init))
              (error "initializer must be a function")]
             [(not (andmap closV? methods))
              (error "class methods must be functions")]
              (res (classV super init fnames mnames methods)
                   (res-sto r-methods))]))]

New objects

In order to implement new, we must do the following:

Let us start with some helper methods. Here’s a method that forms the superclass list from a base class:

(define (get-class-list cls)
  (letrec ([extend
            (lambda (classes)
              (let ([next (classV-super (car classes))])
                (if (classV? next)
                    (extend (cons next classes))
    (extend (list cls))))

Then a method that is given an class for an object, and forms a list of the unique symbols from the object’s superclasses. In theory we could do this once and store it in classV. We also need a method uniq to remove duplicates.

(define (uniq xs seen)
  (cond [(null? xs) seen]
        [(memq? (car xs) seen)
         (uniq (cdr xs) seen)]
        [else (uniq (cdr xs) (cons (car xs) seen))]))

(define (get-symbols cls)
  (let* ([classes (get-class-list cls)]
         [symbols (flatten (map classV-fnames classes))])
    (uniq symbols null)))

(define (get-inits cls)
  (map classV-init (get-class-list cls)))

We’ll need a function to call all initializers on an object, and return the updated store. Each initializer needs to be called in its own environment, stored in its closure. There are no arguments so we simply need to reach into the function body and evaluate that.

(define (call-inits obj sto inits)
  (if (null? inits)
      (let* ([init (car inits)]
             [cl-env (closV-env init)]
             [body (fun-body (closV-fun init))]
             [new-sto (res-sto (interp obj cl-env sto body))])
        (call-inits obj new-sto (cdr inits)))))

Now we are ready to implement new:

;; (newC class)
    [(newC? e)
     (let* ([r-cls (interp o env sto (newC-class e))]
            [cls (res-v r-cls)])
       (if (classV? cls)
           (let* ([fields (get-symbols cls)]
                  [locs (map (lambda (t) (new-loc)) fields)]
                  [obj (objV cls fields locs)]
                  [rinit (call-inits obj
                                     (res-sto r-cls)
                                     (get-inits cls))])
             (res obj (res-sto rinit)))
           (error "new needs a class")))]

Method Dispatch

Next up we need to implement method dispatch. We need to:

;; (disp obj s arg)
    [(disp? e)
     (let* ([robj (interp o env sto (disp-obj e))]
        [obj (res-v robj)]
        [rv (interp o env (res-sto robj) (disp-arg e))]
        [v (res-v rv)])
       (if (objV? obj)
           (call-method (find-method (disp-s e) obj) obj (res-sto rv) v)
           (error "cannot dispatch on non-object")))]

We need to implement call-method and find-method. We start with call-method. It is given a function value, an object to use as self, a store, and an argument value. It does not need an environment as it will use the function closure’s environment. It does need to create a new memory location to store the argument.

We would normally check that the method we are given is actually a closure. But we have ensured that when we created the classes. So we would never dispatch on a non-method.

(define (call-method fv obj sto argv)
  (let ([f (closV-f fv)]
        [loc (new-loc)])
    (interp obj
            (bind (fun-arg f) loc (closV-env fv))
            (store loc argv sto)
            (fun-body f))))

Now find-method, the main method that implements the dynamic dispatch. It is given a symbol and an object, and it must locate the appropriate method to call by going up the chain. It uses a helper method, that takes a list of names and methods and if it finds the symbol it returns the corresponding method.

(define (search-in-list s mnames methods)
  (cond [(null? mnames) #f]
        [(eq? s (car mnames)) (car methods)]
        [else (search-in-list s (cdr mnames) (cdr methods))]))

(define (check-in-class s cls)
  (let* ([method
          (search-in-list s
                          (classV-mnames cls)
                          (classV-methods cls))])
    (cond [method method]
          [(classV? (classV-super cls))
           (check-in-class s (classV-super cls))]
          [else (error "Unknown method")])))

(define (find-method s obj)
  (check-in-class s (objV-class obj)))

Getters and Setters

Lastly, we must implement getC/setC functionality. We could possibly generalize it in terms of the concept of “l-values”, but we’ll keep it simple.

Interpreting the getter, which is given an object expression and symbol must:

We will reuse search-in-list from earlier. We will also use a helper function get-field-loc that gets the location of a field from the object.

(define (get-field-loc s obj)
  (let* ([fields (objV-fields obj)]
         [locs (objV-locs obj)]
         [loc (search-in-list s fields locs)])
   (or loc (error "Object does not contain field"))))

Now for getC:

;; (getC obj s)
[(getC? e)
 (let* ([robj (interp o env sto (getC-obj e))]
        [obj (res-v robj)])
   (if (objV? obj)
           (res (fetch (get-field-loc (getC-s e) obj)
                       (res-sto robj))
                (res-sto robj))
       (error "Cannot get field of non-object")))]

Similarly for setC, with extra steps for evaluating the value.

;; (setC obj s e)
[(setC? e)
 (let* ([robj (interp o env sto (setC-obj e))]
        [obj (res-v robj)]
        [rv (interp o env (res-sto robj) (setC-e e))]
        [v (res-v rv)])
   (if (objV? obj)
       (let ([loc (get-field-loc (setC-s e) obj)])
         (res v (store loc v (res-sto rv))))
       (error "Cannot set field of non-object")))]

This essentially completes our basic implementation of classes and objects.

Here is an example of a program written in this language. It creates a point class with x and y fields, then a subclass for 3-dimensional points with an extra z field. Also a “length squared” method for computing the squared distance from the origin.

(define prog1
  (letC 'Point
         (fun #f #f
              (seq (setC (self) 'x (num 0))
                   (setC (self) 'y (num 0))))
         (list 'x 'y)
         (list 'getX 'getY 'setX 'setY 'lensq)
         (list (fun #f #f (getC (self) 'x))
               (fun #f #f (getC (self) 'y))
               (fun #f 'newx (setC (self) 'x (var 'newx)))
               (fun #f 'newy (setC (self) 'y (var 'newy)))
               (fun #f #f
                    (arith +
                           (arith *
                                  (disp (self) 'getX (voidC))
                                  (disp (self) 'getX (voidC)))
                           (arith *
                                  (disp (self) 'getY (voidC))
                                  (disp (self) 'getY (voidC)))))))
        (letC 'Point3
               (var 'Point)
               (fun #f #f
                    (setC (self) 'z (num 0)))
               (list 'z)
               (list 'getZ 'setZ 'lensq)
               (list (fun #f #f (getC (self) 'z))
                     (fun #f 'newz (setC (self) 'z (var 'newz)))
                     (fun #f #f
                          (arith +
                                 (arith +
                                        (arith *
                                               (disp (self) 'getX (voidC))
                                               (disp (self) 'getX (voidC)))
                                        (arith *
                                               (disp (self) 'getY (voidC))
                                               (disp (self) 'getY (voidC))))
                                 (arith *
                                        (disp (self) 'getZ (voidC))
                                        (disp (self) 'getZ (voidC)))))))
              (letC 'p (newC (var 'Point3))
                    (seq (disp (var 'p) 'setX (num 2))
                         (seq (disp (var 'p) 'setZ (num 4))
                              (disp (var 'p) 'lensq (voidC))))))))